The Best XR Platforms for Developers in 2024


Extended Reality (XR) encompasses Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR). For developers looking to create XR applications, choosing the right platform is crucial. This article reviews the best XR platforms for developers in 2024, their features, and their benefits, helping you make an informed decision to kickstart your XR projects.

Top XR Platforms for Developers

1. Unity

Overview: Unity is a popular game development platform widely used for creating VR and AR applications. It’s known for its flexibility and extensive support for various XR devices.


  • Real-time Rendering: Unity’s real-time rendering capabilities allow developers to see changes instantly, which is crucial for immersive XR experiences.
  • Robust Physics Engine: Unity’s physics engine supports complex interactions and realistic simulations.
  • Large Asset Store: The Unity Asset Store provides a vast array of pre-made assets, tools, and plugins to accelerate development.
  • Support for Multiple Platforms: Unity supports a wide range of XR devices, including Oculus, HTC Vive, PlayStation VR, and mobile AR platforms.


  • User-Friendly Interface: Unity’s interface is intuitive and beginner-friendly, making it accessible for new developers.
  • Extensive Documentation: Unity provides comprehensive documentation and a wealth of tutorials to help developers at all levels.
  • Large Developer Community: A vibrant community means plenty of forums, discussions, and third-party tutorials.


  • Advanced Features Require Pro Subscription: Some advanced features and professional tools are behind a paywall.

Image/Video: Unity Overview

2. Unreal Engine

Overview: Unreal Engine is known for its high-quality graphics and performance, making it a top choice for XR development, especially for visually demanding projects.


  • Advanced Rendering Capabilities: Unreal Engine’s rendering capabilities are among the best, providing realistic lighting, shadows, and textures.
  • Visual Scripting with Blueprints: Blueprints allow developers to create game logic without extensive coding, making it easier for designers to contribute.
  • Comprehensive Asset Library: Unreal Engine offers a robust library of assets and tools to streamline the development process.


  • Exceptional Graphics: Unreal Engine excels in producing high-quality visuals, which is crucial for immersive XR experiences.
  • Powerful Tools: It provides advanced tools for animation, physics, and rendering, catering to complex XR projects.
  • Robust Development Environment: The development environment is feature-rich, supporting large-scale projects.


  • Steeper Learning Curve: Compared to Unity, Unreal Engine can be more challenging for beginners due to its complex toolset.

Image/Video: Unreal Engine Overview

3. ARKit

Overview: ARKit is Apple’s AR development framework for iOS devices, providing tools for creating immersive AR experiences. It is tightly integrated with the iOS ecosystem, making it a powerful tool for developing high-quality AR apps for Apple devices.


  • Motion Tracking: ARKit uses the device’s sensors to track the position and movement of the device accurately.
  • Environmental Understanding: It can detect horizontal and vertical planes, allowing for realistic placement of AR objects.
  • Light Estimation: ARKit provides real-time light estimation to match the lighting of the virtual objects with the real-world environment.
  • Face Tracking: Advanced face tracking capabilities for creating interactive AR experiences that respond to facial movements.


  • Seamless Integration with iOS Devices: ARKit takes full advantage of the hardware and software of iOS devices.
  • Powerful AR Capabilities: It offers robust tools for creating sophisticated AR applications.
  • Regular Updates from Apple: Continuous improvements and updates ensure that ARKit remains at the forefront of AR technology.


  • Limited to the iOS Ecosystem: ARKit can only be used to develop applications for Apple devices, limiting its cross-platform capabilities.

Image/Video: ARKit Overview

4. ARCore

Overview: ARCore is Google’s AR development platform for Android devices, offering a range of AR tools and capabilities. It provides similar features to ARKit but for the Android ecosystem.


  • Motion Tracking: ARCore tracks the position of the device as it moves, allowing for stable placement of AR objects.
  • Environmental Understanding: It detects horizontal surfaces and points of interest in the real world.
  • Light Estimation: ARCore adjusts the lighting of virtual objects to match the real-world lighting conditions.
  • Augmented Images: It can recognize and augment 2D images in the real world, providing interactive AR experiences.


  • Broad Device Compatibility: ARCore supports a wide range of Android devices.
  • Powerful AR Features: It offers comprehensive tools for creating engaging AR applications.
  • Strong Support from Google: Regular updates and support from Google ensure the platform stays current.


  • Limited to the Android Ecosystem: ARCore can only be used to develop applications for Android devices.

Image/Video: ARCore Overview

5. Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK)

Overview: MRTK is a collection of tools and components for developing MR applications for HoloLens and other MR devices. It provides a robust framework for creating mixed reality experiences.


  • Input Simulation: MRTK includes tools for simulating various types of input, including hand and eye tracking.
  • Spatial Awareness: It provides spatial mapping capabilities to understand the physical environment.
  • User Interface Components: MRTK offers a set of UI components designed specifically for MR experiences.
  • Cross-Platform Support: While focused on Microsoft’s MR devices, MRTK also supports other platforms through Unity.


  • Comprehensive Toolkit: MRTK provides a wide range of tools for MR development.
  • Strong Support for MR Development: It is tailored for creating high-quality MR experiences.
  • Integration with Unity: MRTK works seamlessly with Unity, expanding its capabilities.


  • Primarily Focused on Microsoft’s MR Devices: Best suited for developing applications for HoloLens and other Microsoft MR devices.

Image/Video: MRTK Overview

Choosing the Right XR Platform

Project Requirements: Consider the specific needs of your project, such as the type of XR experience, target devices, and desired features. Determine whether you need to develop for VR, AR, or MR, and whether you need cross-platform compatibility.

Skill Level: Choose a platform that matches your skill level and familiarity with development tools. Unity, for example, is known for being beginner-friendly, while Unreal Engine might be more suitable for those with more experience.

Community and Support: Look for platforms with active developer communities and strong support resources. A large community can provide valuable insights, help, and collaboration opportunities.

Budget: Consider the cost of development tools and any subscription fees associated with the platform. Some platforms offer free versions or lower-cost options, while others require more significant financial investment.

Image/Video: Choosing the Right XR Platform Video

Getting Started with XR Development

Learn the Basics: Familiarize yourself with 3D modeling, animation, and user interface design. Understanding these fundamentals is crucial for creating effective XR applications.

Choose a Platform: Select the XR platform that best suits your project and start exploring its features and tools. Download the necessary software and begin setting up your development environment.

Follow Tutorials: Take advantage of online tutorials and courses to learn the ins and outs of XR development. Many platforms offer extensive learning resources to help you get started.

Join Developer Communities: Engage with other developers to share knowledge, ask questions, and collaborate on projects. Online forums, social media groups, and local meetups can provide valuable support.

Experiment and Iterate: Start with small projects to build your skills, and gradually take on more complex XR applications. Experiment with different features and tools to find the best solutions for your projects.

Image/Video: Getting Started with XR Development Video

The Future of XR Development

Advancements in Technology: Improvements in XR hardware and software will make development more accessible and efficient. Expect advancements in display technology, sensors, and processing power, which will enhance the capabilities of XR devices.

Increased Adoption: As XR becomes more mainstream, there will be a growing demand for skilled XR developers. Industries such as education, healthcare, and business are increasingly adopting XR, creating new opportunities for developers.

Diverse Applications: XR development will expand beyond gaming and entertainment to include fields like education, healthcare, and business. Applications such as virtual training, remote collaboration, and interactive simulations will become more common.

Collaboration and Community: The XR development community will continue to grow, providing more resources, support, and opportunities for collaboration. This will foster innovation and the sharing of best practices.

Image/Video: Future of XR Development Video

In-Depth Look at Leading XR Platforms


Detailed Features:

  • Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP): Unity’s SRP allows developers to customize rendering processes, providing greater control over graphics and performance.
  • XR Interaction Toolkit: This toolkit simplifies the process of creating interactive XR experiences by providing pre-built components and scripts.
  • Machine Learning Integration: Unity’s ML-Agents toolkit integrates machine learning into your XR projects, enabling advanced AI behaviors.
  • Collaborative Tools: Unity supports real-time collaboration, allowing multiple developers to work on the same project simultaneously.

Use Cases:

  • Education: Unity is widely used for creating educational XR experiences, such as virtual labs and interactive learning environments.
  • Healthcare: Unity powers many medical training simulations, helping professionals practice procedures in a virtual setting.
  • Architecture and Real Estate: Developers use Unity to create virtual walkthroughs and visualizations of architectural designs and real estate properties.

Image/Video: Unity Detailed Features Video

Unreal Engine

Detailed Features:

  • Nanite Virtualized Geometry: Nanite technology allows for the rendering of highly detailed environments without significant performance loss.
  • Lumen Global Illumination: Lumen provides real-time global illumination and reflections, enhancing the visual realism of XR applications.
  • MetaHuman Creator: This tool allows developers to create highly realistic digital humans for use in XR experiences.
  • Data Smith: Unreal Engine’s Data Smith tool facilitates the import of CAD and other data formats, streamlining the process of creating XR visualizations.

Use Cases:

  • Film and Television: Unreal Engine is used for creating virtual sets and special effects, enhancing the production process.
  • Automotive: Car manufacturers use Unreal Engine for virtual prototyping and immersive showrooms.
  • Enterprise Training: Unreal Engine powers many enterprise training applications, providing realistic simulations for employee training.

Image/Video: Unreal Engine Detailed Features Video


Detailed Features:

  • People Occlusion: ARKit can accurately occlude virtual objects behind people in the real world, enhancing realism.
  • Depth API: The Depth API allows for more accurate placement of AR objects by understanding the distance of objects in the scene.
  • Scene Geometry: ARKit can recognize and categorize various physical surfaces and structures, providing detailed environmental understanding.
  • Object Scanning and Detection: This feature allows developers to scan real-world objects and use them in AR experiences.

Use Cases:

  • Retail: ARKit is used for virtual try-on applications and interactive product displays.
  • Gaming: Many popular AR games for iOS are built using ARKit, providing immersive gaming experiences.
  • Healthcare: ARKit is used for applications such as patient education and surgical planning.

Image/Video: ARKit Detailed Features Video


Detailed Features:

  • Cloud Anchors: ARCore supports shared AR experiences by enabling persistent, cloud-based anchors.
  • Augmented Faces: This feature allows for facial recognition and tracking, enabling applications like virtual makeup try-ons.
  • Environmental HDR: ARCore adjusts the lighting of virtual objects to match the real world, enhancing realism.
  • Persistent AR: ARCore enables persistent AR experiences, allowing virtual objects to remain in the same place across sessions.

Use Cases:

  • Tourism: ARCore powers applications that provide interactive tours and historical reconstructions.
  • Education: ARCore is used for educational applications, such as interactive textbooks and virtual science labs.
  • Advertising: ARCore enables innovative advertising experiences, such as interactive billboards and product visualizations.

Image/Video: ARCore Detailed Features Video

Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK)

Detailed Features:

  • Hand Tracking: MRTK provides advanced hand tracking capabilities, allowing for natural and intuitive interactions.
  • Eye Tracking: Eye tracking support enhances user interactions by enabling gaze-based controls and interactions.
  • Spatial Anchors: MRTK supports spatial anchors, allowing for persistent and shared MR experiences.
  • Mixed Reality Capture: This feature allows developers to capture mixed reality content, providing a way to share and review MR experiences.

Use Cases:

  • Enterprise Training: MRTK is used for creating training simulations for various industries, including manufacturing and healthcare.
  • Remote Collaboration: MRTK powers applications that enable remote collaboration, such as virtual meetings and design reviews.
  • Field Service: MRTK is used for applications that provide real-time guidance and support for field technicians.

Image/Video: MRTK Detailed Features Video

Best Practices for XR Development

Focus on User Experience: Ensure that your XR applications provide a seamless and intuitive user experience. Pay attention to factors like ease of use, responsiveness, and minimizing motion sickness.

Leverage Interactive Elements: Incorporate interactive elements into your XR applications to enhance engagement. This could include touch interactions, voice commands, and gesture controls.

Optimize Performance: Ensure that your XR applications run smoothly on a wide range of devices. Optimize graphics, reduce latency, and manage resources effectively to provide a high-quality experience.

Test Thoroughly: Regularly test your XR applications on different devices and in various environments to identify and fix issues. User feedback is invaluable for improving the quality and usability of your XR experiences.

Stay Updated: Keep up with the latest developments in XR technology and industry trends. This will help you stay ahead of the curve and leverage new features and tools as they become available.

Image/Video: Best Practices for XR Development Video


Choosing the right XR platform is crucial for developing immersive and interactive applications. By considering your project requirements, skill level, and available resources, you can select the platform that best suits your needs. Unity, Unreal Engine, ARKit, ARCore, and MRTK each offer unique features and benefits that cater to different aspects of XR development.

As technology continues to advance, the possibilities for XR development are limitless, offering exciting opportunities for developers across various industries. By leveraging the right tools and best practices, you can create engaging and impactful XR experiences that push the boundaries of what’s possible.

Engage with Us: Have you used any of these XR platforms for your projects? What are your experiences and tips for other developers? Share your insights in the comments below!

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